Every day on campus you pass by random strangers. Perhaps you’ve seen them before or maybe not. Ever wonder who they are and what their life is like? Each student at the University of Nevada, Reno has a story to tell. Each has a unique life, perspective, and outlook not only as a student but each as a person with different life experiences. Take a look at the second series of Students of Nevada. A project that snapshots the lives of randomly selected people here on campus.
I have a pottery studio in my garage. I basically just like playing in mud.
-Jillian Walmsley
I want to be in PR because I think it’d be really cool. I don’t know exactly what they do, I’m trying to figure that out. I think it’s funny because my older brother actually graduated from the J-School and I didn’t know what his degree was until I declared mine. So he told me a little bit about it and I actually thoroughly enjoy it.
-Brooke Enochson
I’m a fourth year engineering student. I helped start FarmHouse Fraternity because I think fraternities should be non-secretive, community based and helpful. We’re holding a philanthropy event to raise money for leukemia research on October 11th.
-Brett McMahan
My name is Leo. I’m a freshman and I’m a political science major. So far, I’m having a lot more fun here than I did in high school. Oh, and I’m single.
-Leo Thai
I’m a neuroscience major. I’m in musical therapy club, so I like playing music and stuff like that. I wish everybody in the STEM majors would be a little more open. I think it’s too competitive; it’s very cutthroat. I think everybody should just relax and enjoy themselves more.
-Ivan Lopez
I started drinking at the age of 14–just having a beer here and there. At 15, I went and studied abroad in Germany for a couple months and that really blew my mind. I love alcohol, but not college binge-drinking; I like to enjoy it. I’d like more people to understand that drinking is a privilege. If people started drinking at a younger age, but it was controlled, it wouldn’t be as dangerous when they started driving.
-Eric Banavong
I went to Australia on a USA Golfing Team. I got the nomination, and it went to [my] school and everything, and at first I was like, “Are you sure you got the right person?” I started my freshman year, so as a junior to be able to do that showed how much work I put into it, so that was really cool.
-Holly Kulh
I’m an international affairs major. I like that teachers here always give both sides to the story. But they’re also open to having conversations about what’s going on.
-Sabrina Nuttall
I’m just here trying to get an education because I have a five year old son and I really want to show him that we can make the world a better place and we don’t just have to stay stagnant. He deserves progress.
-Grace Leval